Rhonda Jeck- Principal [email protected]
Katrina Macwhorter- Assistant Principal [email protected]
School Nurse
Beth Antonucci [email protected]
Office Staff
Stacey A. Ivancic- Administrative Assistant II/Registrar [email protected]
Kelyn Ortiz Quinteros- Office Assistant [email protected]
Tania Flores- Parent Liason [email protected]
Report all absences and dismissal changes to: [email protected]
Late bus information: LATE BUS INFORMATION
Bell Schedule
First Bell- 8:35
Dismissal Bell- 3:25
When arriving after 8:45am, please walk your student into the front office. As a safety measure, please do not drop off at the car rider curve or at the school entrance when there is no one outside to greet your child.
Also, please call for dismissal changes no later than 3 p.m. This allows us enough time to notify all parties involved and ensures your child goes the correct dismissal location.